The Best Podcast Episodes for Healing: A Trauma Therapist in Sacramento Shares Her Picks
/I’m a trauma therapist in Sacramento and my biggest goal in writing this blog is to communicate with a broader audience than I’m able to work with one on one, to share the most practical tools and resources that have helped both me personally and many of my therapy clients.
The blog allows me to express myself and share my musings on the topics I’m most passionate about, and to connect with folks who may live outside of the Sacramento area and beyond the reach of my small private practice.
I read a lot of self-help books and I listen to a lot of podcasts. The podcasts I gravitate towards tend to focus on personal growth and wellness.
When I hear good podcast episodes, I’m constantly recommending them to friends and clients. If it helped me, it could help them too!
I love reading but not everyone has the time, and the nice thing about podcasts is that you can listen while you’re on a walk, driving, or folding laundry.
Without further ado, here are a handful of the podcast episodes I’ve shared most frequently lately, which cover the topics of relationships, codependency, burnout, self-care, boundaries, people pleasing, and more. If you suffer from anxiety or have a history of trauma, if you’re burnt out, dissatisfied in your relationships, or have trouble saying no, these episodes are for you!
The “Let Them Theory”: A Life Changing Mindset Hack That 15 Million People Can’t Stop Talking About
Show: The Mel Robbins Podcast
This podcast episode was my first real introduction to author and motivational speaker Mel Robbins. “Let them” distills the how-to of overcoming codependency into one simple phrase.
What I found particularly helpful in this episode were the real life examples of how to put this into practice and Mel’s personal anecdote about how this theory (or way of life, really) originated for her. As a recovering control freak, I could totally relate.
Mel asserts that we give our power away and cause suffering by trying to control other people. This control can come in subtle ways that may seem harmless but do cause significant harm over time, to ourselves and others.
“Every time you rescue somebody, you rob them of the opportunity to grow.”
The Let Them Theory now a book! (It’s also available at the Sacramento Public Library.) I just started reading The Let Them Theory and am really enjoying it so far. Please comment below and let me know if you’d like me to post a book review when I’m done!
I think of “let them” (and “let me,” which is touched upon in the podcast episode, but detailed more in the book) as a modern version of the famous serenity prayer, just in different words.
REAL Self-Care: Burnout Is Not Your Fault & the Way Out with Dr. Pooja Lakshmin
Show: We Can Do Hard Things
Dr. Pooja Lakshmin is a board-certified psychiatrist and the author of Real Self-Care: A Transformative Program for Redefining Wellness (Crystals, Cleanses, and Bubble Baths Not Included). For my locals, I can confirm that this book is available from the Sacramento Public Library as well.
I’ll be honest, at first I was resistant to hearing Dr. Pooja’s message because I was like, “You can pry my crystals out of my cold, dead hands!” But that was missing the point.
I wouldn’t call myself an expert, but I thought I knew a lot about self-care. I talk about self-care on a daily basis with my trauma therapy clients, and it’s a big topic here on the blog as well. I’ve also written two previous posts on my own self-care practices and how those change with the seasons. If you missed those, you can check them out here (autumn) and here (winter edition).
This episode made me think about self-care in an entirely different way. I realized that 1) I was overlooking the systemic/cultural forces that are preventing many of us, women especially, from taking good care of ourselves. It’s not your fault that you’re burnt out!
And 2) Self-care is less about what you do and more about how you do it and the mindset behind it. Yoga could be stressful or unfulfilling for one person and deeply nourishing for another.
Self-care isn’t about just adding another activity to your already full, possibly overflowing, plate. It requires some self-reflection to determine what would be truly nourishing, and boundaries, to carve out space in your life for it and get your family members on board.
I loved the part of the conversation about how to deal with the guilt that arises for many of us when we start to set the boundaries needed for our own self-care. I won’t share any more spoilers, but if any of that sounds intriguing to you, you should definitely check this episode out!
How to Say No and The Power of No to Protect Your Peace
Show: We Can Do Hard Things
I have recommended these episodes to SO many clients! Setting boundaries, and saying no in particular, is something so many of us struggle with. This often comes from a place of fear of others’ disapproval, and can be especially difficult for those of us who are people pleasers, or who rely too heavily on external validation.
The first episode of this two part series focuses on your mindset, emotions, and values. It’s important to turn inward and reflect, to know what you truly want and need. You have to know what’s a “yes” for you before you can confidently say “no.”
In the second episode, they share more actionable tips on how to say no to people in your life. I found it really helpful to have their practical examples of how to phrase your “nos.” If you’re specifically looking for tips on how to say no in a work context, jump in at 21:26.
Both episodes are great but if you only have time to listen to one, I recommend “The Power of No to Protect Your Peace.”
We Can Do Hard Things may just be my favorite podcast. I love the hosts and I’ve listened to enough episodes that they’ve come to feel like my friends. If you’re not familiar, We Can Do Hard Things is hosted by Glennon Doyle, author of Untamed, her wife, retired soccer hall of famer Abby Wambach, and Glennon’s sister Amanda.
If I had to sum it up in one sentence, I’d say that We Can Do Hard Things is all about living a wholehearted life.
Also, if you never got around to reading Untamed when it was dominating the bestseller list in 2020, I highly recommend it.
Why Is It So Hard To Rest?
Show: Moonbeaming
Moonbeaming is a podcast for creatives, intuitives, and mystics. It might be a little “woo woo” for some of you, but if you think that, I encourage you to give it a chance. Personally, I’m becoming more open about my intuitive and mystical side, which I have tended to keep private in the past for fear of judgment.
The term “woo woo” is often used to dismiss intuitive knowledge, especially when it comes from marginalized groups (e.g., women, indigenous cultures). Know that there is science behind intuition and that when it comes down to it, intuition is really just pattern recognition.
Back to the topic of rest! I am constantly on my soapbox about how hustle/grind culture is killing us all. In this blog post, I talk about our need for rest and how systems of oppression teach us to push through signs of distress. In my last post on winter self-care, I also share many tips and examples of how to rest in both passive and active ways.
I don’t think we can hear this message enough. There is an unlearning of toxic ideologies that needs to occur and repetition is helpful.
In this episode, host Sarah Faith Gottesdiener talks about the barriers that prevent us from resting, strategies for how to rest even when it’s difficult, and the real deal benefits of prioritizing rest. I especially enjoyed her personal share about taking a six-month mini-sabbatical to heal chronic health issues and how it actually improved her business.
I think this episode is for pretty much everyone. I believe that burnout is an epidemic right now, and almost all of us could use some help in giving our minds, bodies, and spirits the rest they need for us to live our most fulfilling lives.
Are you struggling in relationships? It may be a result of trauma.
The issues covered in these podcast episodes all have to do with relationships, whether that be relationships with others or the relationship with ourselves.
Codependency, burnout, self-care, people pleasing, boundaries, and rest—these are all things that those of us with a history of trauma tend to struggle with.
In the world of psychotherapy, we talk about both “Big T” and “little t” trauma. You may still be impacted by trauma even if you haven’t experienced abuse or a major life-threatening event.
I believe that most of us have experienced some kind of relational wounding or trauma. These wounds are best healed in relationship, especially a supportive relationship with a trained professional like a trauma therapist.
Self-help not cutting it? Trauma therapy in Sacramento can help.
There are so many wonderful self-help resources out there these days—so many great podcast episodes, self-help books, YouTube videos, etc. I try to share as many of those resources as I can on this blog. But sometimes self-help isn’t enough.
So how do you know when you need to seek help? Here are some signs that you could use professional support:
You’re getting too emotionally activated to successfully utilize the resources on your own. This could look like experiencing BIG emotions that feel like too much to cope with (anxiety, anger, sadness, grief, or shame that is more than you can tolerate), or completely shutting down, numbing out, or avoiding.
You intellectually understand what the problem is, but that hasn’t changed the way you feel, and you haven’t been able to get yourself to take action towards change.
No one in your life feels safe enough to talk about this stuff with.
You need someone to hold you accountable.
Do any of the above resonate for you? If you’re local and you could use some support, click here to learn more about me and how I work as a trauma therapist in Sacramento, and set up a free 15-minute phone consultation today.