Trauma Therapy in Sacramento, CA
Dissolve the Barriers to Calm and Confidence
There’s someone dying for your attention. It’s you.
You’re going through a difficult chapter of your life and you need some support. Maybe you avoid telling people in your life what you’re going through because you don’t want them to know you’re not doing as well as it seems.
Behind the front you put up, you’re feeling unfulfilled. This isn’t the life you planned for yourself. Right now you’re going through the motions—existing, surviving, but not living fully. You’re drained. But you’re also not ready to give up on trying to improve.
I’m a trauma therapist in Sacramento and I’m here to help.
My name is Alyssa Walls and I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in Sacramento, California.
While my title might make you think I do couples therapy, my specialty is working one on one, with people just like you. I help overwhelmed, self-doubting individuals feel calmer and more confident. My specialties include trauma, anxiety, and self-worth struggles.
If you struggle to feel valuable and worthy, I’m here to tell you that you are enough, just as you are. Yes, I'm sure you've read some inspirational quote that said that before. But our work is to make you believe it. I want you to embrace your imperfections and finally feel enoughness.
You have a deep well of wisdom inside of you. I'm not here to tell you what to do with your life. I'm here to help you remove the barriers to that inner wisdom. You know what's best for you. Let’s begin to separate what you were taught from what you know deep down in your bones to be true.
I can’t wait to get to know you! Please read about me to see if I sound like the right therapist for you.
Are you ready to call a cease-fire in the war with yourself?
Schedule a consultation for trauma therapy in Sacramento today.
The first step to beginning therapy is a free 15-minute phone consultation. Click to schedule online or give me a call at 916-432-2300.